Posts Tagged ‘sarah palin’

Going Cold Turkey on Sarah Palin News is Cruel and Unusual Punishment

November 21, 2008

So let’s go cold, bloody, and dying turkey!

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Monday After

November 10, 2008

As they say in Romance languages and Doris Day lyric, “Que Sera, Sera”.

So Sarah’s back in Wasilla and John’s back in Arizona. What a ride. I hear rumor that Sarah’s gearing up for 2012. So while you can say so long to me I think I’ll keep this blog going periodically. For now, let us part with this poem:

Sarah, dear,
Is it as we fear?
You’re back in Wasilla
Sans Nieman Marcus chinchilla?
Like Icarus to the sun,
You were drawn to the McCain campaign run.
And landed back to earth,
With people still talking about Bristol’s upcoming birth.
Are you lookin’ for answers
From saysooths, tellers, and astrologers?
I say don’t regret and don’t delve,
Just stay home in 2012.

I Found the “Hidden” Obama Interview on Coal!

November 3, 2008

Cool! Just like Sarah I read both the New York Times and the San Francisco Chronicle. Except unlike Sarah I read the articles (and listen to the transcripts) in their entirety.

Sarah’s latest beef is that the SF Chronicle has a “hidden” tape of Obama rejecting any and all coal energy from back in January 2008. I thought something smelled suphurous with that statement: Doesn’t Sarah’s staff know how to Google to find articles? So I went ahead, looked at the SF Chronicle (you know, before hitting Google) and found the Chronicle’s editorial board interview. It has been posted in its entirety on the SF Chronicle site since….er, January 2008. And Obama supports clean coal energy.

Sigh. But I guess Sarah’s getting a lot of play on this in Ohio (land of the solar power plant where Sarah tried to get people to chant “Drill, Baby, Drill”). Ah, Sarah, learn who your audience is and tailor your speeches — like your suits! — to their specific interests. So if the Humane Society ever invites you to a dinner, don’t start waxing poetic about shooting wolves from helicopters for dollars. That might land you in the dog house.

Read the SF Chronicle’s statement about it’s Obama interview and listen to the audio that has been posted since January 17, 2008. Oh, and McCain’s the one who has spoken for years about rejecting all coal-based energy.

Read the WSJ Blog about Sarah in Ohio.

OMG! She IS a Flutist, too.

November 2, 2008

At least I think it’s Hockey Mama for Obama as a Catty Palin Twin.

And She’s Not Even a Flutist

November 2, 2008

I watch this video about once a day to make me feel better. Hockey Mama for Obama is very good. Great diction, nice voice, pitch perfect. The pianist in antlers does a fine collaborative job, too.

Update: Gads! I think Hockey Mama for Obama is a flutist.